A sense of balance in our lives is essential to our wellbeing. Yet individuals are increasingly finding that this balance eludes them. These individuals at least have a sense that ‘something is missing’. Others find themselves on a treadmill, running sometimes charging, through their lives with no thought of what is important to them. With no real connection to ourselves and our true aspirations. In this way, without a sense of balance, we try to juggle and struggle with our lives and relationships.
Where is the time, or presence to stop and smell the roses?
It is this sense of balance that I try and reconnect individuals to in my practice of Reiki and Meditation.
Our bodies, if we make time to stop and listen, offer an innate wisdom of healing.
Reiki and Meditation allow emotions and feelings that perhaps we had forgotten about or buried deep, to surface and be released.
We can make the time to acknowledge their presence and hold a curiosity about them rather than a fear of them. We may even wonder what all the fuss was about. With gentleness and humour we can lessen our feelings of fear, abandonment, anger, stress, confusion and release unwanted burdens.
This can take the form of deep relaxation, better breath connection, feelings of sleepiness or the release of blocked, stuck energy pathways, allowing a better vibrational energy to flow in the mind, body and spirit which are all ultimately and irrevocably connected.
Feel yourself lighten.
Feel yourself connect to your innate wisdom.
Feel yourself having more balance, energy, creativity, compassion and love.
Feel your relationships improve.
The greatest gift we have to ourselves and one another, is to show love, care, kindness and respect. We cannot give to others, that which we do not give ourselves.
This Hindu greeting used all around the world simply translates as:
The divine presence in me, recognises the divine presence in you.